waist to hip ratio
The waist-to-hip ratio WHR is a quick measure of fat distribution that may help indicate a persons overall health. Der Waist to Hip Ratio WHR ist ein von Wissenschaftlern und Ärzten global benutztes Maß zur Beurteilung von Übergewicht und der Fettverteilung am Körper.
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This test has been shown to be related to the risk of coronary heart disease.

. Enter your waist and hip measurements in either cm or inches. An ideal waist to hip ratio is anything that considered to be healthy. 30 rows Ideal Waist to Hip Ratio. This waist-to-hip ratio calculator offers a quick and easy method by which you can determine your waist-to-hip ratio WHR and view your WHR on a chart to assess whether it is within the healthy range.
This can lead to a higher risk for heart disease or. Recommended ratios differ based on your age and. Sarah has a WHR that falls in the normal range. Work out your waist-to-hip ratio WHR with this calculator tool.
The waist to hip ratio measurement is calculated by dividing the measurement of your waist by your hip measurement. Der Waist-To-Hip-Ratio WHR oder TailleHüft-Quotient gibt Auskunft über das Risiko aufgrund von Übergewicht eine Herz-Kreislauf-Erkrankung zu bekommen. Measure your waist at the narrowest point and your hips at the widest point. Waist-to-Hip Ratio Example.
It is a simple and useful measure of fat distribution. Über den Taille-Hüft-Quotienten engl. The waist to hip ratio calculator gives determines the possibility of health risks and is an indication of whether you have an apple or pear shaped figure. If your hips are bigger than your waist you are a pear shape.
Higher ratios can mean you have more fat around your waist. Waist Hip Ratio is used as a measurement of obesity abdominal fat is a marker of visceral fat causing the high waist hip ratio which in turn is a possible indicator of other more serious health conditions. Your waist to hip ratio is an important tool that helps you determine your overall health risk. Waist To Hip Ratio Calculator.
Your waist-to-hip ratio compares your waist measurement to your hip measurement. Your hip circumference is measured at the point where the buttocks are most extended when viewed from the side. Um den WHR zu berechnen wird der Taillenumfang gemessen in der Mitte zwischen unterem Rippenbogen und dem Beckenkamm ins Verhältnis zum Hüftumfang gemessen auf der Höhe der größten Hüftbreite gesetzt. Guidelines have been proposed to accurately measure waist and hip circumference but there is still no uniformly accepted protocol.
To get a better idea of how your WHR works use this example of a woman named Sarah. The waist to hip ratio is the ratio of waist circumference to the hip circumference a simple calculation of the measurements of the waist girth divided by the hip girth. 30 waist measurement 38 hip measurement 078 inches. If Sarah gains abdominal fat her WHR will change.
Your WHR number can help you determine which body shape category you fit into. Waist circumference WC must be measured midway between the lower rib and the iliac crest on the midaxillary line and hip circumference at the level of the widest circumference. People who carry more weight around their middle than their hips may be at a. Select your required measurement system imperial or metric Input your waist size using the.
People with more weight around their waist are at greater risk of lifestyle related diseases such as heart disease and diabetes than those with weight around their hips. If your waist is bigger than your hips you are an apple shape. Waist-to-Hip-Ratio - kurz WHR können Sie das Körperfettverteilungsmuster ermitteln. Der Taillenumfang wird ermittellt indem das Maßband zwischen dem.
Waist-to-hip ratio WHR is one of several measurements your doctor can use to see if excess weight is putting your health at risk. Your waist to hip ratio estimates the fat distribution in your body and can affect your overall health Learn More Using this tool Your waist circumference is measured at the narrowest point between your ribs and hips after exhaling. Your waist-to-hip ratio is a good measurement of how fat is distributed around your body. The waist to hip ratio compares the size of your waist to your hip measurement.
Research from the Institute of Preventative Medicine in Copenhagen. One study performed by the Mayo Clinic found that those who were apple shaped even if their BMI Body Measurement Index was within the normal range were more than twice as likely to die from just about any cause but scarier still is that apple shapes are almost 3 times more likely to die from heart disease. To calculate the ratio start by standing in a relaxed posture with your feet close together. If her waist measurement is 30 inches and her hip measurement is 38 inches then her WHR is.
Waist-to-Hip-Ratio WHR Das Körperfettverteilungsmuster hilft bei der Beurteilung des Gesundheitszustandes. The World Health Organization states that abdominal obesity is defined as a waisthip ratio above 090 for males and above 085 for females or a body mass index BMI above 30. Da bei der Messung und Berechnung im WHR Rechner auch der so wichtige Bauchumfang mit berücksichtigt wird ist der WHR-Index im. Der WHR Index der auch THV Wert genannt wird ist das Verhältnis von Taillenumfang zu Hüftumfang.
Research has shown that people who have more weight around their waist apple-shaped have more health risks than those who have pear shapes. The waist-hip ratio WHR is a simple technique for determining body fat distribution. The basis of this measure as a coronary disease risk factor is the assumption is that fat stored around the waist poses a greater risk to health. Weight Gain and WHR.
Für die Messung können Sie ein normales Maßband oder einen Strick verwenden. You can compute your WHR in five simple steps. Use a measuring tape to check the waist and hip measurements.
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